Magical Places
I don’t intend for this to be a long post. It’s just to say that I was sitting out on our deck this morning after doing all of the chores. I looked at all of our progress on the yard, and I thought to myself “This will be a magical …
Schooling with Spice
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this trick earlier, but it’s been working for about a week for my boy. During school, he and I both have salsa and chips. It helps him listen better and feeds not only his stomach (calming his amygdala), but also feeds his …
How to Sell Your House Quickly: Our Version
About a year ago now, we got this brilliant idea that it would be fun to move.A month later, our house was on the market.A month later, it was sold and we were on the hunt for a suitable home for our brood. This isn’t my standard kind of post, …