Finishing: Something Michael Does Better Than Leonardo da Vinci

“When a pretty young woman wanted her portrait painted, she wanted it within a reasonable length of time.  If Leonardo kept her waiting until she got a lot older, she naturally complained about him to her friends. And in other ways, too, Leonardo was difficult.  He would accept an advance payment …

A Case for Creative Efforts: Striving for Life Above Subpar

A Case for Creative Efforts 1. People don’t value home-made items as previous generations did. 2. Kids don’t learn creative skills as they once did. Does it follow then that it is pointless to intentionally teach kids the skills that came so easily to generations long ago, as no one …

When Heather Writes About Organizational Tools And Eats Humble Pie

I realize this is a bit of a bold move, writing about organizational tools this early in the school year.  And I fully realize that somewhere around November or February or March or a week from now, I’ll rue the day that I thought I had it together enough to …